Tuesday 10 April 2012

[Scene 02] Barn Door v1 & v2

Okay so I'm at last working on my appointed sequences which I'm feeling very happy about :] I can only take so much holiday before I feel like I'm slacking. I'm not sure whether that's healthy or unhealthy. Someone tell me!?

I made two versions of this scene. There's only so much I can do with it since it's only showing the open door, so the first version is the same boring thing we've seen before.


I did want to look at what I can do with it though so I played around with a Light Layer to make it more like the eve of the day. I imagine the sounds of crickets could be in this scene but that won't be possible with the theme music over the top. Too much sound and the audience won't know what to make of it.

I do like how warm the colours look but there's something about it that doesn't quite look right. Maybe it's because it looks too much like a spotlight. Then again I don't think even lighting will do me any favours. I'd love to hear anyone's opinion about it :]

What I do like about it is when it fades away the light focuses on the door before it goes completely. I think that's a nice focus point for the audience.


  1. I absolutely love the lighting here Jazzy, it's gorgeous! The light focusing on the door is, as you say, a wonderful touch. Looks amazing!

    I know all the timings are laid out in the animatic but if I may make a suggestion? To me it seems as if the first pan (to the right) stops a little abruptly — perhaps try applying an "easy ease" to that last keyframe just to soften it a little? I also feel as if it perhaps holds on the barn door just a little too long before it starts zooming, but that could just be personal preference.

    Feel free to disagree — just my own two cents, it looks wonderful so far however :] Great job!

  2. No, sounds good. I think you're right about the sudden stop, didn't notice that before ^^; and I'll shorten the hold on the door for version 3 :]
